Eye specialists showed that common shortcuts taken by the people to take care of Badsathm lenses may have severe consequences Kasabh infection or sores. The researchers said that although the lenses generally considered safe, but the contact lens wearers should know that poor lens care may lead to serious health problems. Many contact lens wearers get Baltat associated with contact lenses and inflammation. And symptoms that suggest the presence of eye injury is redness of the eye, pain and sensitivity to light and blurred vision, and in the event of any of these symptoms contact lenses should be removed immediately and go to the optician. It shortcuts that usually followed by people when care of contact lenses include:
1 - Use a solution of lenses expired
2 - re-use lens solution remains
3 - exposing the lenses to non-sterile water - wear contact lenses for a long time or during the night
4 - Do not clean enough contact lenses and corneal infection occurs because bacteria are usually bacteria Pseudomonas or cluster. In rare cases, contact lenses may be involved fungi or parasites that are difficult to treat. Corneal ulcers may occur scar in Alqrenbh addition to permanent vision loss. To prevent these adverse effects of poor care of contact lenses researchers are advised to take the following actions:1 - Do not use tap water to lens solution
2 - Maintain lenses and Hammeltha clean
3 - Do not use lenses for a long time
4 - Maintain be a new lens solution permanently
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