
Tuesday, February 12, 2013

14 advice "to the process of digesting the best

There are many factors that lead to indigestion as well as the presence of many habits and tips that follow them be better digestion:
1 - to take care of the health of the teeth and gums if they had a problem
2 - not drinking while eating Laboratory tests have shown that the water leaves the stomach after about 10 minutes of drinking and carries digestive juices diluted leading to overlap the digestion process, and cold drinks weaken and slow down the process of digestion, as it works to stop the activity of the enzyme that stomach temperature rises to normal
3 - Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables and whole grains, which contain natural enzymes4 - eating less processed foods where lack the vitamins and minerals needed by the body in the manufacture of enzymes
5 - Eat more fiber fiber will get rid of toxic waste and help reduce cholesterol and stability in addition to the high level of sugar in the blood and weight loss
6 - careful and slow down when you eat
7 - eating smaller meals stop eating when you feel satisfied and not full satiety, where the brain needs 20 minutes to find out that the stomach was full and that's another reason to eat slowly
8 - chewing food well
9 - combining appropriate foods This is based on some types of food are digested best when eaten with other types كتناول proteins (nuts, seeds, meat, fish, poultry and legumes) and carbohydrates (cereals, pasta, rice and bread) must be dealt with meals separately. Can eat proteins with vegetables and carbohydrates with vegetables, but not both, as the fruit is always addressed as a separate meal
10 - stay away from foods that do not fit with your body
11 - exercise the quiet lifestyle and a little slow movement makes the body including the gastrointestinal tract
12 - reduce tension tension digestion process slows down as it happens, stomach pain and constipation. And watching the news while eating may cause tension to prefer eating away from Almrbakat.
13 - Quitting smoking has shown that smoking reduces the pressure on the lower esophageal sphincter, which may cause stomach burning
14 - reducing alcohol and caffeine consumption and dried by the body by drinking a glass of alcohol or caffeine, the body loses about two cups of water, which could lead to constipation as alcohol and caffeine is one of the risk factors burning stomach


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