
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Behavioral and emotional contagion

In physical infections, you may have chemotherapy or grass; it helps your recovery from the disease, and perhaps some vaccine injection may help in slowing the virus or bacterium, reducing its activity wandavah within the cells of your body. And maybe some caution and stay away from the infected is another Assistant to deter infection.
In the case of non-emotional self will evaluate infection yourself from unconsciously can be half of "virus of another type" sneaking into yourself, and full sensual energy and infects up to your inability to smile or control of boredom without being able to discover the secret behind this mystery?
And when your barrage of joy and laughter, or a sense of overwhelming love and happiness that overwhelm of aspects of yourself, then the infection will invade you joy, love and optimism, you will discover the source? And did you exchange smiles, yawns and movements at once scientific and psychological index fixed?
There are many basic mechanisms that govern human behavior, whether it was discovered or undiscovered, however we cannot know when it occurs and why it occurs, including so-called emotional contagion, empathy, emotions and behaviour, which take some sensations, without the sense of infection transmission.
And see (John kasiobo), a neuroscientist at the University of Chicago that there is evidence of (emotional infection), make one feel the same emotion felt by others, and these feelings pass without perception of others around him.
A scientist has developed a self (Elaine Hatfield) one views the process and the possibility of transmission of emotions and behavior, and even situations, automatically from a person to a group of people, whether consciously present or absent, and this phenomenon has been studied by a number of scientific bodies, such as the (Schrock live woror) in 2008, found the concept of emotional contagion is quite similar to the concept of "emotional climate", which is synonymous with the spirits and morale of the emotional capacity to create similar phenomena to a group of people, you can create Attitudes and morale conditions similar to a group of people?!
Infection of the emotions (empathy) emotional infections are less aware, more automatic and do not rely on verbal communication, but on the emotional situations relating to spiritual communication to the other party, and are similar to telecommunications and telecommunications as interaction between persons including distances through emails or chat via the Internet without any further verbal or physical (body signals), nevertheless Gets an interaction in movements or facial expressions without awareness of interacting.

For example: "talking with my brother who lives in another city via talks, via the Internet, assume I eat some Donuts, also addresses some cakes, and without to know the emotional infection make us we turn Donuts the same minutes, and we apply the same movements and facial expression, without any awareness of any of us."
Another example: "to some readers of the stories and novels during the reading of the novel, or story is the feeling that he is the hero of the story, and the feelings that the author is talking about his feelings the same replicated on paper, this happens to the majority".
Describes the (Hatfield) emotional contagion, it's a series of steps, beginning as a primitive sentient auto behavior, and then turns to unconscious behavior, so the person understands the emotional expressions of the sender automatically, and knock it off without awareness.
In the brain there are sets of cores deep in the temporal lobe of the brain of vertebrates, including humans, called (almonds) which is a part of the brain that focus on compassion and harmony, see (Howard Friedman), a psychiatrist at the University of California (Almond) that infect between behaviour and the passion some people. Psychologists believe that emotional contagion in the virtual behavior, such as facial expression and movements, and in emotional behavior such as love, desire and feeling the ecstasy, destiny and predestination; was someone to crash while the other for the sinking incident, and persons who have suffered emotional infection between each other; believe in guessing the feelings and desires of each other. Some researchers also believe that emotional infection does not require that located in the same place, but located in a standard time between two individuals or a group of individuals, or between an individual and a close.
Dr. almtzoginiri infection (Robert for Levenson) physiological psychologist who used longitudinal studies to married couples, emotional contagion is not transmitted only on feelings and behavior and facial expression, but move to the look and feel of both couples, who over time become like twins. Robert also worked a longitudinal study on twins living in different circumstances, and it turns out that there are behavioral and emotional contagion, but also predestination, infection was the twin of the accident in time is similar, but different conditions in place, suggests that some humans have similar fates in one time.
Infection of psychological pressure came in a new scientific study that "the psychological pressure can be transmitted from person to person, in a manner not unconsciously and without consciousness". Before going into the details of the study, we must review a case that is a model for this theory. It says the British (Julie Hall) from Wimbledon, 38 years it's been months and loves her job, and in harmony with her colleagues, and with Hamas and demand to work, but things soon changed with the appointment of a new Director of administration, which was marked by mood, nervousness and sensitivity, and it was clear she was suffering from stress as a result of any position, and the reactions to the staff, accompanied by the kind of grumbling as they used to jam her anger out loud.
Says Julie; it's inherently personal and easy to drive, but began to feel that tension was, under the new Director, and the tension is hard to focus, and the same is beginning to feel the rest of her colleagues at work, with new Director used to act with them aggressively, and soon began the tension spreads throughout the Bureau; and moves with Julie and her colleagues to their homes, and it seemed everyone was nervous and has infected infection producers stress.
Confirm the validity of this theory, a new study says the results "stress and tension can move from one person to another, like cold and flu illnesses, especially in the workplace." /
The study also said that when sitting next to a colleague at work, always complaining and unhappiness and lamentations, because pressures and labour policies, or listen to the concerns of fellow boss or girlfriend, or tazmah of finances and banking, you expose yourself to the same concerns, and anina and discontent and complaints.

The psychological world has discovered at the University of Hawaii Professor (Elaine Hatfield) can transfer negative feelings of anxiety and stress and suffering of others, easily and quickly in the workplace. Hatfield says: "the people in general have the ability to mimic sounds and other conditions, and profiles and expressions that embodied features on their faces with amazing speed, so that these people are able to impersonate others and emotional life, and specifically conclude and psychological pressures."

The study also says "that man is usually more like a sponge that absorbed and picks up what might be called emotional contagion, which emits from the individuals around him and that human pressure impregnated, he soon begins to feel the same pressures, focusing on attitudes can protest.

The study also revealed that women as compared with men are more susceptible to HIV infection transmission of stress, fear and anxiety and resentment and unhappiness; and because women tended to sympathize with others, thus playing the same complaint and disenchantment tone expressed by the other.
Infection of mental disorder
Explains Dr. Yahya rikhawi, Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Cairo in the writing style of psychological infection says:

"Go sadness or illusion or delusion of doubt or the patient, so we can say that mental illness has infected such as other diseases, for people who. It can be a mental illness, infection more likely than many organic diseases, so that attention to early treatment, a double benefit in healing the patient, protection around him at the same time.

I stipulate that the term man allegedly (people who), because people differ in their risk of mental illness by infection, as different to the attraction, their employability and their causes for mental illness at the same time. It is known that the suggestion is easy for people with simple, personal affected by others, calculated, and accept the views of others is easy, and you don't have the patience to stick to the long view, all these qualities are mainly rejected, but which cannot be overemphasized might suggest what (weakness), and is to be subordinated to the idea and all, but this dependency is not a Vice, but sometimes the problem-in a way-in the adjustment process, our neighborhood and he always followed our neighborhood, but dependency Absolute and exaggerated the attraction which can be condemned by people, as demerit ytbraon, from ancient poets not to splurge their employability for the attraction, as in the words of the poet:
Tthaeb AMR as gape Khalid
Infection, as she prepared me altho'baa
The average person may be ripe for counterfeiting and suggest, whether this was suggested by the (movement) (conduct) together or satisfactory, and also accepted the creation of bad infected, and of course, Hamid has resembled infect infected infection literally ethics:
And beware the accompanying varmint, it
Amendment as infected scabby sound
If yawning contagious, infected, varmint course mental illness has infected, and is actually but to person-oriented.

For examples of such infections strike beginning to suggest disease (hysteria) hysteria doesn't mean crazy, does not mean obsession or (allouch), as people love to let this roll over meaning, but a (psychological)-mentally-not issued physical symptoms (such as seizures or pronunciation) or mental (such as loss of memory), without the will of the patient, away from the circle of consciousness, escape the face position.

This disease, despite its simplicity and easily treatable in most cases, however, won a historic and popular fame. Most of the stories and novels of the film, which tells the duplication and loss of memory and temporary paralysis, built on the idea that disease, not commensurate with the status of diseases. "
Yawn: form of emotional contagion
Proven by scientists from the University of Pisa Italian, as a man emotionally from someone, a critical factor in unintentional tradition for this person, and is what makes yawns more infection among family members, and among friends, acquaintances, and strangers. Thus involve infection yawn within models of empathy when emotional conditions; the researchers under the supervision of the said Elizabeth balaghi, magazine (PLoS one). The researchers said in their study that the empathy, the ability to recognize the feelings of others and the reactions to them, is a crucial element in the social behavior.

Some researchers believe the so-called mirror neurons, which are in the form of a network of neurons, make us react automatically to others theme, not yawn infection is new to scientists, they outweigh the long existence of such forms of empathy for others, but not demonstrated in this form only.

The researchers monitored for a full year, 109-56 women and 53 men from Europe, North America, Asia and Africa, and then analysed the behaviour exhibited in the 480 experience, including the angle where the observer starts yawning, always reached the same conclusion, namely that social relationship was all at once the most critical factor in the transmission of yawn, followed by gender-male or female-and the same conditions of nationality or even yawning moves more quickly among people who With some it knowledge, according to the study, but a tradition does not play its role only when the already apparent empathy the person reincarnated Lama. This element does not play a role in young children, as well as in people with autism.
Infection of faiths can look at the issue from ideological to the human side, the man who lives in an environment that believes in something and do something else, these doctrines will automatically, and this is what we in Mecca days of Jaahiliyyah, replete with her practiced polytheism, idolatry, and the practice goes from one person to another, which hold the first Islamic call, forcing Muslims to migrate towards the land of faith, where the weather is more suited to spread infection. This is what happened in yathrib (Medina) which bear the faith with unrivalled, people entered the religion of Allah in crowds.

Use the process of infection of feeling
Mass hysteria for the death of the leader of North Korea through specialized centres taught some developed countries may exercise this mechanism to change the direction of their thinking, towards the direction that you want. These centres provide daily reports to the Government indicating the mood of the people on this day, you could take a decision, or Government to postponed according to the mood. And support centres in developing this information from social networking sites, networks, etc. Even to think of the beholder in depth, we are in the age of communication, we are more susceptible to infection of feelings and emotions.


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