Full file: what is a coronavirus. Symptoms and treatment of "corona virus"
Corona virus, coronavirus, coronavirus symptoms
viruses, successful koruna coronaviruses are a large family of viruses,
viruses can cause a range of diseases of humans, ranging from colds to
SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome).
And also koruna may infect animals. Most of these viruses affect successful animal species normally, one or a small number of similar animal species among them. However, SARS could infect humans and animals, including monkeys, cats, dogs and rodents.
World Health Organization definition
viruses are platoon platoon includes viruses that may cause a variety
of human diseases ranging from common colds and severe acute respiratory
syndrome (SARS). It also caused viruses belonging to this species a number of diseases in animals. Given
that this type of virus noob, the Organization was working with
countries and partners to gather more information and determine its
impact on public health.
A patient to be examined (described as "the patient under examination"):
person infected with severe respiratory disease may be accompanied by
fever (≥ 38 ° at the Centennial scale, 100.4 degree Fahrenheit) and
suspected lung parenchymal inflammatory disease (such as pneumonia or
acute respiratory distress syndrome) based on clinical or radiological
evidence to prove it;
And travel or residence in an area which reported recently about a new infection with coronavirus, or area may be infection;
unjustified by any infection other infection or other pathogens,
including all clinical trials listed on HIV infection of pneumonia
acquired in the community in accordance with the guidelines for the
management of infections locally.
Management of the patient under examination:
patients who fall within this category of routinely available
laboratory tests as clinically indicated in accordance with the
guidelines on local management of pneumonia infections acquired in the
community, to determine the presence of other factors potentially of the
initial causes of the inflammation. Other
examples might include the etiology of disease, nodular pneumonia,
Haemophilus influenzae type b, walvilket pneumophila and other initial
known bacterial pneumonia, influenza, respiratory syncytial virus. There
is no need to wait for the emergence of all inspection results on other
pathogens before check out emerging infections coronavirus. In
addition, should not be seen patients who have clear historical record
and appearance fit into clinical symptoms of chemical pneumonia or smoke
inhalation as patients under examination.
the absence of justification for the incidence of pneumococcal disease,
the necessary clinical specimens should be sent to a lab for
examination. Rapid progress has been made in the
description of the characteristics of the new coronavirus infection in a
sensitive and specific diagnostic tests. And the World Health Organization (who) with partner labs to offer these tests as soon as possible. It
is expected that in the coming days, the first instalment of reagents
along with necessary information and algorithms test for urgent tests.
then, the Organization will be able to provide contact information for
laboratories that are willing and able to perform tests to make sure
that the new coronavirus infection. For more
details, you should contact the national authorities in the respective
call centers on the international health regulations and in the regional
offices of the organization.
It should be a necessary measures for infection control at the time when the patient is still under examination. If
necessary the Member States more guidance on infection prevention and
control, please refer to the interim guidelines of the World Health
Organization on the prevention and control of acute respiratory
infections of epidemic tendency of algaehi during health care
New koruna virus (virus is successful)
Have been identified so far to humans this kind of koruna. There
is very limited information about the transmission of new Koruna to
humans, clinical or clinical effects in humans, because there are few
cases of infection.Alpha
A common virus in koruna is all over the world. They cause colds. But
the new koruna because virus between April 2012 to March 2013
respiratory disease for thirty-four adults from six countries, namely
Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Jordan and the United Kingdom and U.A.E. and
France. The symptoms included fever, cough and shortness of breath. Twenty people died among the thirty-four cases. Two injured by a mild respiratory illness, patients recovered completely.
This differs from other successful viruses virus that infected humans, and cause them to disease. This virus also varies on the coronavirus that caused SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) in 2003. But, as is the case with the SARS virus is a new koruna is most similar to the koruna at bats. Researchers are still trying to figure out the source of the virus and how it is spread.
What is the current situation?
reported injured 33 people in Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Jordan and the
United Kingdom and France and the U.A.E. respiratory illness caused by a
virus infection new koruna (successful) in may 2013, eighteen people
died among them.
not recommend the US Centers for disease control and prevention (CDC)
anyone change his travel plan due to these cases, but the person should
see a doctor immediately if a fever or symptoms of respiratory illness,
such as cough or shortness of breath.
How travelers can protect themselves from HIV infection koruna?
The following procedures may help prevent the spread of germs, cold & flu, it may also prevent other diseases:
Frequent hand washing with SOAP and water. If SOAP and water is not available, you must use an antiseptic hand gel containing alcohol.
Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth, the bacteria move in this way.
Avoid close contact with an infected person.
You must obtain all required vaccines. As medical care provider should be visited by four or six weeks to travel, to get the vaccines.
If a person is infected with a virus new koruna, he must:
That covers his mouth with a tissue when sneezing or coughing, and dispose of the tissue in the trash.
Avoid contact with other people to prevent infection.
When a person must visit the health care provider?
person must visit a healthcare provider if fever, symptoms lower
respiratory illness, such as cough or dyspnea, within 10 days of
traveling to one of the countries of the Arabian Peninsula or nearby
Information for the doctor
● You must learn the most common causes of respiratory diseases, such as influenza.
• Patients should be evaluated using the following indicators:
People suffering from acute respiratory infection can include fever (over 38 degrees Celsius) and cough.
disease of the lung tissue (symptoms of pneumonia or acute respiratory
distress syndrome based on radiographs on that function).
The story of travel to countries of the Arabian Peninsula or nearby countries within 10 days.
No other reason explains the symptoms, including all medical tests according to the instructions in the country concerned.
● In addition, patients should be evaluated for HIV new koruna in the following cases:
appeared a patients diseases of the lower respiratory tract, acute
within 10 days to leave the Arabian Peninsula, and do not respond to
appeared a patients diseases of the lower respiratory tract, they
continue on with one of the persons who have fever and acute respiratory
diseases within 10 days to leave the Arabian Peninsula.
FAQs on the new coronavirus-latest information
What is the new coronavirus?
This new coronavirus strain have been detected in humans before.
Corona viruses and large species known to cause diseases of humans and animals. They cause human infection by diseases ranging from between common cold infection and severe acute respiratory syndrome. And recently proposed naming of the disease caused by a new coronavirus, coronavirus that causes AIDS Middle East.
Where is the corona virus infection occurs emerging?
countries in the Middle East of the corona virus infection cases
emerging in humans, including Jordan, Qatar and Saudi Arabia and U.A.E..
Three European countries--France and Germany are, United Kingdom – in addition to Tunisia on cases of infection with the virus. And link all the cases that occurred in Europe and Tunisia related to Middle East (directly or indirectly). However
saw France and Tunisia and United Kingdom a limited local virus between
humans did not travel to the Middle East but had intimate contact with
traveling patients recently returned from the Middle East.
The extent of the new coronavirus?
It is not known yet how the spread of the virus. The
organization encourages Member States to continue to monitor cases of
severe acute respiratory infection closely and review any unusual
patterns of infection or pneumonia. The Organization will continue to share information as soon as available.
What are the symptoms of the new coronavirus?
common symptoms among patients with coronavirus infections emerging
respiratory illness severe and accompanied by persistent fever, cough
and tightness and breathing difficulties. Most of the patients had pneumonia. There are also many gastrointestinal symptoms, including diarrhea, hit each other with kidney failure. He died almost half of those were new coronavirus. And may appear in immunocompromised persons unusual symptoms of the disease. It
is noteworthy that the current understanding of the disease caused by
this infection is not based on only a few cases this has changed our
understanding more about the virus.
How do people get infected with this virus?
We don't know how people get infected with this virus. And
investigations are underway to find out the origin, the types of
exposure to HIV infection, ways of transmission and clinical disease
patterns and stages.
You can spread the virus from one person to another?
Yes. Now,
we have seen several sets of suspected cases in the transmission of the
virus from one person to another or moving strongly confirms this. All of these cases occurred in health care facility or between close family members. However
do not know the mechanism of transmission of the virus in all of these
cases, whether through respiration (e.g. coughing and sneezing) or
contact (contaminating the patient).
Is there a vaccine for the new coronavirus?
There is currently no vaccine available against HIV.
Is there a treatment of the new coronavirus?
There is no specific treatment for the disease caused by a new coronavirus. Treatment should be based on the patient's symptoms. And supportive care can be very effective.
Is there anything a person can do to avoid virus infection?
Don't know exactly how an individual is infected with the virus. Since
you do not know the source of the virus and the way it moves, it is
impossible to give specific advice on the prevention of infection. The
precautions taken to prevent respiratory illnesses avoid intimate
contact, to the extent possible, with anyone showing symptoms of
infection (coughing and sneezing), and keep clean hands. Preventive
measures include other good meat to avoid eating uncooked or
undercooked and unwashed fruits or vegetables, and beverages prepared
from non-sterile water. If I got sick while
traveling, you should avoid contact with others during intimate contact
with your symptoms and to follow the good measures to keep clean the
respiratory system, such as coughing or sneezing in the quantum or elbow
Muthanna or mask or tissue papers, and throwing paper napkins used
immediately after use in a closed trash.
the chances of contracting the virus, but must meet the following
criteria see the doctor as soon as possible: people suffering from
breathing difficulties unjustified by any disease or virus who traveled
recently to the region of the Middle East; and should accelerate in
immunocompromised patients who recently traveled to the Middle East for
examination by your physician regardless of the type of disease.
How many people are infected with coronavirus emerging?
Further information can be found on the topic by referring to the following address:
Health workers are at risk of infection with the new coronavirus?
Yes. The virus has moved into health care facilities, including transmission from patients to health care providers. Who
recommends that health care professionals in attendance to apply the
necessary measures in the field of infection prevention and control. See the following URL:
Does the new coronavirus similar to severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)?
Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) virus SK identified in 2003, with a further link to coronavirus. But
despite the ability of viruses to infect an individual with severe
disease, current information indicates that there are major differences
between them. More importantly, the new
coronavirus apparently does not move easily between people, while the
SARS virus is able to move much more than the corona virus.
Does bat coronavirus emerging source?
This possibility exists, but the source of the virus.
You could infect human animals corona virus infection emerging?
There is currently no evidence that individuals infected with the disease through close contact with animals.
Does bat coronavirus emerging source?
This possibility exists, but the source of the virus.
You could infect human animals corona virus infection emerging?
There is currently no evidence that individuals infected with the disease through close contact with animals.
How to respond to the emergence of the new coronavirus?
the emergence of the virus and was working under the international
health regulations to provide information to Member States. The
organization is also working with affected countries and international
partners on global health response coordination, including through the
provision of updated information on the situation, and give guidance to
health authorities and health agencies on temporary surveillance
recommendations, examination of cases in laboratories, infection
control, clinical management, based on the current understanding of the
new coronavirus, human infection of the disease. The
Organization will continue to work with Member States and international
partners in health and the sharing of updated information immediately
The Organization recommends that measures taken by countries?
organization encourages all Member States to strengthen surveillance
for severe acute respiratory infection and review any unusual patterns
of infection or pneumonia. The Organization urges the Member States to notify any confirmed or probable infections new coronavirus, or verification. The current recommendations on surveillance by reference to the who Web site at the following address:
Do you recommend any restrictions on travel or trade activities because of this new virus?
Both. The
organization does not recommend any restrictions on travel or trade
activities with respect to the new coronavirus, and will continue to
review all recommendations by simply providing more information.
• World Health Organization
● The Guinness book, King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz
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