4 common mistakes affecting your health

There are many medical
practices used by khataeho is harmful to our health today correct you of
many of those errors to maintain your health first error: When bleeding
nose: either auto or bleeding as a result of the incident agreed all
"lay back and place the handkerchief on the nose" and this is a common
mistake and wrong is Mel head forward with trying to touch nose to chest
with holding your index finger and thumb "fingers" to greatness not
implemented vigorously, leaning forward with several Considerations
do not swallow the blood causing nausea in the heat of the moment and
are often followed by vomiting, increasing congestion and bleeding from
the nose
2. you may
be swallowing a quantity of blood and vomiting does not occur,
especially in children, the doctor misses estimate the amount of blood
coming from the nose
If I was lying down and is usually medical malpractice could lead to a
blood clot in the nose and with time can lead to health problems
4. press the nose blades, whose purpose is to stop the bleeding with direct closure of vessels and veins in this region. The
second error: that someone loses consciousness suddenly either in work
or on the road or at home, and around it the trend to the person who
lost consciousness and attempt to lift or move wakeup rasho right is
that the header is placed at the level of the heart "resting the head on
the ground and lift the foot on top of a Chair, for example, something
or other and so are concentrated in the brain and this leads to restore
consciousness quickly, we must also maintain the airway, Open
the patient's mouth, and make sure to put his tongue so as not to turn
back or so-called swallowing the tongue as it is popular among people
"tried to head back a little inclined to ensure the safety of the
airway, these are the basic steps simply and reduce the level of the
head and the feet are enough in conventional cases. Third:
error using aspirin to treat toothaches place on toothache sufferer
directly this is a big mistake because aspirin contains alslisilk acid
and when placed directly on the tooth decomposes and produces the acid
erodes your gums or at least increase the inflammation and this applies
to all disks painkillers and better to use clove oil for tooth and gum
or no rinsing with diluted clove oil. The fourth
error: always hear that phrase since young age, do not read here,
lighting is not good, but what good health this argument, and the
lighting effect on the eye while reading? read in low light simply does
not affect the eye thing, but cause faktadm comfort while reading,
because the eye khadkho as a lens to suit the amount of light entering
the eye and how near and distance اثناءالقراءه, reading in the dark
cause stress ladalatalaine it speeds the return to Nature
gradually return to normal light common to read in amaalmalomh dark
tsbbkser given this unfounded, myopia corneal concavity based mainly and
koho low vision has several factors mtalkhbalkornet and eye lens and
vitreous, retina and nerve of sight either nothing ever lhali brightness
in place
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