Success story Mark Jokrberg author site facebook

When he sat Marc Jokrberg before a computer screen in his room housing students in Harvard University honored, and began designing a new website on the internet, he has a clear goal, a website design combines his colleagues at the university and enable them to exchange their news and photos and opinions. Did not think Jokrberg, who was famous among students بولعه severe Internet, traditionally. For example, did not seek to establish a commercial site attracts advertising, or to publish news or university .. Simply Think facilitate communication between university students on the basis that such communication, if successful, will have a popular Jarfahoataleg Jokrberg his "Facebook" in 2004, and has had what he wanted. Soon received site popular among students Harvard University, and gained wide popularity among them, which encouraged him to broaden the base of eligible access to the site to include students other universities or students secondary schools are seeking to identify the university life. continued site "Facebook" limited to college students and high school for two years. He then decided to Jokrberg that stepping another step forward, which would open the doors of its front all those who wish to use it, and the result was a surge in the number of users of the site, rising from 12 million users in the month of December of last year to more than 40 million users Currently, hopes to reach number 50 million users by the end of 2007 and in the same time also decided to open the doors of the site in front of programmers to provide new services for visitors, and enter into contracts with advertisers seeking to take advantage of its base mass wide. was natural that draws rapid success achieved by Location the eyes of the workers in the information industry, on the one hand, it is clear that the market for social networking online is growing tremendously, and fills an important need among internet users especially young people. On the other hand succeeded site "Facebook" in this area are Kberukant result that received Jokrberg offer to buy its one billion dollars last year Almadimliar dollars is not enough! But Jokrberg, aged 23 years, only surprised many around him to reject Aerdmilir dollars is not enough! But The Jokrberg, aged 23 years, only surprised many around him to reject Aerdotoqa many that regret this rejection, especially as it came after just one year of the company "Uzcorpurishn", owned by millionaire Australian Rupert Murdoch, bought the site "MySpace", which site of social relations, of $ 580 million Dolarama why Jokrberg declined to offer attributable to he saw that the value of the network are much higher than the amount shown. As he said in an interview with the British newspaper Financial Times, he "probably did not appreciate many of the value of the network that we have built, including deserve." He added that the process of communication between people of great importance, and "If we can نحسنها little for a large number of people, this would have a huge economic impact on the world Klhoathbt fact that he was right in rejecting this offer. Has said the newspaper" Wall Street Journal ", the most prominent newspapers U.S. economic, Monday Microsoft Corp. is seeking to buy 5% of the value of "Facebook" value of 300 to 500 million dollars, which means that the value of Facebook "college up to the amount of six to ten Milirattichar that Microsoft's monopoly ads online network Facebook in time Alrahenahlam and Mhclatamam Jokrberg many projects, it is for example wants to continue growth in network users so that doubles the number of users every six months, and wants to provide more interactive services in the network "Facebook", though Jokrberg not generally preferred to talk his long-term plans., but the road is not easy. There stiff competition from several locations of social relationships, the most prominent site "MySpace" who turns the number of users more than 200 million people and is the largest network of social relations in Almhnak also reports that the Facebook developed a system that allows advertisers to use information provided by users of the network for themselves, which he denies Zuckerberg as such a system raises questions about the extent of privacy enjoyed by users Cpkhbaladafah so he drew New York Attorney General on Monday September 24 subpoena officials in the "Facebook", he said in a letter to the network that examination preliminary explained the existence of shortcomings in the protection enjoyed by the users of the network, especially young people. He has one investigators demonstrate that a young man and entered the site of the network Exposure to prosecute sexual by some Almstkhaddmenkma said Attorney General Konictticat Richard Blumenthal told Reuters news agency that his office found three of those convicted of sexual offenses within the network Facebook users, and the network do a lot of steps before he felt fully satisfied towards the end and Cefhomen part network says it is eager to do whatever is possible to protect Mstkhaddmihaaly by Bill Gates?Seems clear similarities between Bill Gates and Mark the Joker Berg. Both men began working in the information industry at the beginning of their twenties, both became millionaires in their twenties also, both His vision resulted in success and change in the information market has benefited millions in Almuklihama studied at Harvard University, though Gates did not complete his studies because of his development PC programs. The two men also working relationship going to evolve and expand as Zkrnabul that facial features Zuckerberg looks curb close of features Jatsgeir that Gates, who was born in 1955, is the richest on the face of the planet according to the classification by Forbes magazine "U.S., owner of the largest computer software in world, it is also the largest donor of charitable work in the world and this means that the Jokrberg do a lot if they want to achieve success almost Mahakgah Gates

When he sat Marc Jokrberg before a computer screen in his room housing students in Harvard University honored, and began designing a new website on the internet, he has a clear goal, a website design combines his colleagues at the university and enable them to exchange their news and photos and opinions. Did not think Jokrberg, who was famous among students بولعه severe Internet, traditionally. For example, did not seek to establish a commercial site attracts advertising, or to publish news or university .. Simply Think facilitate communication between university students on the basis that such communication, if successful, will have a popular Jarfahoataleg Jokrberg his "Facebook" in 2004, and has had what he wanted. Soon received site popular among students Harvard University, and gained wide popularity among them, which encouraged him to broaden the base of eligible access to the site to include students other universities or students secondary schools are seeking to identify the university life. continued site "Facebook" limited to college students and high school for two years. He then decided to Jokrberg that stepping another step forward, which would open the doors of its front all those who wish to use it, and the result was a surge in the number of users of the site, rising from 12 million users in the month of December of last year to more than 40 million users Currently, hopes to reach number 50 million users by the end of 2007 and in the same time also decided to open the doors of the site in front of programmers to provide new services for visitors, and enter into contracts with advertisers seeking to take advantage of its base mass wide. was natural that draws rapid success achieved by Location the eyes of the workers in the information industry, on the one hand, it is clear that the market for social networking online is growing tremendously, and fills an important need among internet users especially young people. On the other hand succeeded site "Facebook" in this area are Kberukant result that received Jokrberg offer to buy its one billion dollars last year Almadimliar dollars is not enough! But Jokrberg, aged 23 years, only surprised many around him to reject Aerdmilir dollars is not enough! But The Jokrberg, aged 23 years, only surprised many around him to reject Aerdotoqa many that regret this rejection, especially as it came after just one year of the company "Uzcorpurishn", owned by millionaire Australian Rupert Murdoch, bought the site "MySpace", which site of social relations, of $ 580 million Dolarama why Jokrberg declined to offer attributable to he saw that the value of the network are much higher than the amount shown. As he said in an interview with the British newspaper Financial Times, he "probably did not appreciate many of the value of the network that we have built, including deserve." He added that the process of communication between people of great importance, and "If we can نحسنها little for a large number of people, this would have a huge economic impact on the world Klhoathbt fact that he was right in rejecting this offer. Has said the newspaper" Wall Street Journal ", the most prominent newspapers U.S. economic, Monday Microsoft Corp. is seeking to buy 5% of the value of "Facebook" value of 300 to 500 million dollars, which means that the value of Facebook "college up to the amount of six to ten Milirattichar that Microsoft's monopoly ads online network Facebook in time Alrahenahlam and Mhclatamam Jokrberg many projects, it is for example wants to continue growth in network users so that doubles the number of users every six months, and wants to provide more interactive services in the network "Facebook", though Jokrberg not generally preferred to talk his long-term plans., but the road is not easy. There stiff competition from several locations of social relationships, the most prominent site "MySpace" who turns the number of users more than 200 million people and is the largest network of social relations in Almhnak also reports that the Facebook developed a system that allows advertisers to use information provided by users of the network for themselves, which he denies Zuckerberg as such a system raises questions about the extent of privacy enjoyed by users Cpkhbaladafah so he drew New York Attorney General on Monday September 24 subpoena officials in the "Facebook", he said in a letter to the network that examination preliminary explained the existence of shortcomings in the protection enjoyed by the users of the network, especially young people. He has one investigators demonstrate that a young man and entered the site of the network Exposure to prosecute sexual by some Almstkhaddmenkma said Attorney General Konictticat Richard Blumenthal told Reuters news agency that his office found three of those convicted of sexual offenses within the network Facebook users, and the network do a lot of steps before he felt fully satisfied towards the end and Cefhomen part network says it is eager to do whatever is possible to protect Mstkhaddmihaaly by Bill Gates?Seems clear similarities between Bill Gates and Mark the Joker Berg. Both men began working in the information industry at the beginning of their twenties, both became millionaires in their twenties also, both His vision resulted in success and change in the information market has benefited millions in Almuklihama studied at Harvard University, though Gates did not complete his studies because of his development PC programs. The two men also working relationship going to evolve and expand as Zkrnabul that facial features Zuckerberg looks curb close of features Jatsgeir that Gates, who was born in 1955, is the richest on the face of the planet according to the classification by Forbes magazine "U.S., owner of the largest computer software in world, it is also the largest donor of charitable work in the world and this means that the Jokrberg do a lot if they want to achieve success almost Mahakgah Gates
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