
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Facts about damage Chinese mobile devices

Chinese Mobile Phones and human health

It is noted the proliferation of these devices heavily in some Arab countries, especially Egypt also noted the Egyptian government attempts to prevent the smuggling of these devices, especially non-conformity with the specifications you are injurious to human health? Are meager price is a source of concern? These inquiries directed to us on site consulting "every day medical information" much rather that Asdacae and parents ask her a lot .. Such as the nature of people who fear the authenticity of everything is questionable at first after it announced the National Telecommunications Regulatory completion of the work of the series judicial seizures of these devices non-conforming. Especially for SAR rate a specific absorption rate of the electromagnetic waves emitted by the phone. And confirms the National that if this rate exceeds the approved specifications they affect human health and found a lot of Arabic sources that confirm the existence of harm from use of these phones and they cause a lot of diseases. But given the foreign sources and we rely on our research due to progress research techniques they have in trying to find the secret of low prices of these phones and their impacts health and found the following issued in a statement the world Friedlheim Volnhorst inventor chips mobile phone that these devices cause some cases of insomnia, anxiety and lack of sleep and some other harmful effects on the nervous system. And that because it hits the brain about 215 times / second, which leads to a rise in the proportion of cancerous transformation to 4%, but the immune system properly if the Disposal but this ratio may rise much when heavy use. Most scientists also unanimously that the proportion of radiation that come out of these phones is much higher than the permissible limits globally. In the largest medical conference for cancer unanimous WHO in May 2011 in the city of Lyon on the radiation that comes from the mobile devices that exceeded the allowable limit, they can cause cancer type glioma also acknowledged the European Parliament at the same Altarig that electromagnetic fields produced by mobile phones proportions certain it is one of the biggest reasons that cause brain cancer also known that he can not prevent the spread of smart means for the world even if they are injurious .. So should not Some ask why not prevent these devices. Also affect these devices on the memory. In a recent study conducted on animals .. Radiation caused devastating to some brain cells of mice also affect outgoing radiation on the synthesis of chemicals inside brain cells and thereby cause cancer. These waves also graduated from cell phones affect the heart. The internal organs of the body, but we like to assure you that doubt in health good many of Risk with the disease through research in this area make sure evidence that mobile devices generally cause degrees of damage has found many warnings will remind her not carry a mobile phone which is switched on within clothing, because Chaaath reduce bone density try to use the phone in a magnifier for voice or using headphones and cable to the phone is far from the head 1 - mode Wi-Fi only in cases of use of Internet 2 - at bedtime preferably put the phone in a remote location with close Phone 3 - never talk on the phone when shipped


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