
Friday, April 26, 2013

Streaming incorrectly have serious consequences

The German doctor Thomas visinghhaghh said the practice of running incorrectly or too severe health consequences, warning of the possibility that in cases of severe body-load to a heart attack or sudden death syndrome such as occurs in many marathons. doctor also said other consequences resulting from the erroneous practice of this sport, such as long-term damage to the musculoskeletal system, which leads to back pain, explaining that the load on the body during the practice of streaming have symptoms Underground or neurological disorders, such as orientation and balance or incidence of headache or a sharp drop in circulation.

Recommended visinghhaghh, who is the Director of rehabilitation clinics and physical therapy in bad vis German uniform, practitioners of jogging-whether beginner or seasoned athletes-the need to listen to signals from their bodies in time; always sends the body signals that he has been subjected to stress or is still able to download some thing.

And the doctor advised amateur jogging "start practice this sport, relaxing body and the control signals of the body", ignore feeling tired and try to continue running, as it may expose your body and life.

The sports doctor said German Christian need to consult a specialist before you start sports jogging and other sports for people aged 35 and over, or who resume practice after a break for two years or more.

He stressed the importance of clarifying the comprehensive sports history, including his past or history of injury problems in his family, explaining that the sport is a medicine for the body, but it is important to make sure the rookies in jogging and other sports but forgot for one in practice and not walk great distances in the beginning and only exaggerate running speed.


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