We all heard about the health benefits of the diet, and regular exercise, and sleep in the promotion of good health, but do you think is most important? According to a British study conducted on a large scale, showing that sleep is the best natural remedy for health problems, scientists say: We must pay attention largely to all the potential factors that could affect your health. It is very important to pay attention to a lot of things like: genes, physical activity, and mental health. However, sleep is the most important factor is good for health and the idea, sleep comes before a healthy diet in terms of importance! Healthy sleep helps in stimulating the metabolism in the body. While lack of sleep eventually lead to obesity and obesity in addition to the multiple nutritional disorders. Get an appropriate amount of exercise will help you get a good blood circulation and thus a healthy heart. But quiet sleep for hours occasion at night helps to regulate heart rate and promote healthy blood circulation. 80 percent of the people causing the lack of access to adequate sleep period and 40 percent of them suffer from medical problems with sleep. As a result, suffers 30 percent almost of people around the world of sleep deprivation or sleep problems and chronic fixed this According to the study dropped the mortality rate due to heart disease to 50%, as percentage of diabetes by 30 percent due to the organization of hours of sleep only. As a result, it can be to regulate the hours of sleep to save the lives of 100-150 million people around the world. The body produces 70 percent of the hormone melatonin, a hormone that protects our body from stress and anxiety and premature aging, colds and cancer at bedtime. And the body begins to secrete a hormone just after sunset and peak between 4 am and until sunrise. So فالذهاب to sleep at late hours or at dawn depriving your body of this important hormone necessary and which is one of the factors the body's natural immune
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