Liver cancer symptoms and how to treat
Cancer that began in other Member
-Especially gut and breasts and lungs.
Often spread to the liver, where balanbethath begin to grow.
Liver cancer show alanbethathi because of the large size and the amount of blood that flows through it.
It should be noted that cancer or cancerous tumor that begins in the liver called
The first Primary hepatic cancer Liver Cancer
There are two types of hepatitis and cancer:
-Alhibatoma hepatic cell carcinoma or Hepatoma
alhibatoma in liver cells and are more common in men who suffer
long-term liver disease (cirrhosis, hepatitis b and c) which are over
the age of 50.
-Cancer of the bile duct Cholangiocarcinoma
Bile duct cancer arises in channels alsfrwaih
And it tends to infect young adults without the presence of chronic liver disease
It is more common in patients with ulcerative colitis and inflammatory bowel disease
Liver cancer definition 00 00
Is the abnormal growth and uneven to liver cells if the tumor first,
If the secondary is diffuse from another Member of the body to the liver.
Liver cancer is very common cancers in the world,
Is the third common cancer in the world.
And liver cancer in the far East and Arabic countries (Saudi Arabia and Egypt) and North Africa
000 000 types of liver tumors
Liver tumors are divided into two types:
Benign and malignant
And malignant
It may be the result of liver or another Member of the diffuse to the liver.
Liver cancer is divided into several types according to the type of tumor.
But in most cases it is considered one of the most serious contemporary diseases, treatment is not easy.
Liver cancer causes 00 00
Several diseases of the liver are infected, including
And chronic
And the most common diseases are
From E-D-C-B-A
The B-C
One of the most important causes of cirrhosis
And thus prone to liver cancer
Particular virus B
Where can cause liver cancer even without cirrhosis.
There are also other diseases causing cirrhosis of the liver and cancer
Diseases caused by large brass
Or increase liver iron deposition
Diseases caused by hepatitis resulting from autoimmune
Where fibrosis
The immunity of the body attack the liver or liver or biliary cells
And then by fibrosis and cancer if treated in time.
The fibrosis may occur for other reasons
One such is
The inflammation resulting from high fat
Or medications
Or alcohol
Or other toxic substances.
Most liver cancer begins after suffering liver fibrosis
Often the result of infection with HBV or HCV hepatitis.
Whereas prevention is the most important treatment in particular that liver cancer is persistent diseases treated
The treatment causes more important than cure disease when diagnosed.
When cancer has spread this cancer to the liver through the bloodstream or the lymphatic system
This is a secondary cancer, not liver cancer.
If we conclude that the
Liver cancer normally produced in the liver from fibrosis
Fibrosis results due to inflammation of virus hepatitis
Or due to alcohol
Or schistosomiasis.
Liver cancer symptoms 00 00
Often causes liver cancer in its early stages no symptoms
When the onset of symptoms is pain in the upper right abdomen of the first distinctive symptoms
In addition to fatigue
Decrease weight
And loss of appetite.
As the larvae and the accumulation of fluid in the abdomen
Are symptoms that occur in the more advanced stages
We can summarize the main symptoms of liver cancer in the following points:
Weight loss.
General weakness and fatigue with the idle.
Lack of appetite.
Heat – egg yolk.
Pain in the upper abdomen.
Yellowing of the body and the eyeball.
Nausea and vomiting.
High temperature.
The poor condition of the patient of chronic liver disease to other symptoms
As an increase in abdominal fluid
Or bleeding from varices in the esophagus
Or a situation called Hibernate.
Liver cancer diagnosis 00 00
1. ultrasound examination and CT scan of the abdomen with the computer.
2. x-ray magnetic action (MRI through hepatic artery).
analysis and blood test (to see how efficient liver function) and had
other blood tests to detect the presence of proteins produced by primary
liver cancers, cancers that begin their formation in the large
intestine and then spread to the liver.
examination of irradiated balgaliom it is important to distinguish
between tumors and other diseases that may infect the liver.
5. take a sample of the tumor and examine them under a microscope.
in some cases in order to determine the degree of cancer situation, you
may need to perform traditional surgery or through laparoscopy so the
doctor to assess the extent to which the cancer has spread
:: Liver cancer treatment options::
1. surgical intervention
If the disease is localized or in one of the lobes of the liver.
cases where the primary hepatic tumors have not spread outside the
liver it is possible sometimes for surgery to eradicate the cancerous
Giving hope of healing.
most cases of hepatic tumors alalolet and liver tumors secondary is
surgical removal of the tumor only if the tumor blocking a vital or
filled compositions such as the bile duct.
2. chemotherapy
Or directly to the liver artery.(Via
catheter to give concentrated doses through the catheter tube coming
from the thigh artery to artery feeding the cancer. this method has
shown several successes and her wide spread)
Chemotherapy can be given by injection (through the catheter),
Directly into the artery that feeds blood tumor
In this way you can deliver high concentrations of toxic medication into the tumor,
It is not up to the rest of the body only a few concentrations.
3. radiation therapy as a treatment my softening and reduce pain.
4. freeze tumor treatment.
Where is freezing the tumor by needle into the tumor
5. liver transplantation
Mitt or neighborhood and this proved a great success in the treatment
of this disease, but it must be done quickly so that the liver cancer
has spread beyond the liver unless agriculture early)
Is obtained for livers transplanted from people died because of a head injury,
And under 60 years and have healthy livers and blood are compatible, as well as the size of the liver.
lobotomy and arduous and advised made just for kids walbghalin you
suffer from severe illness liver, which can be lethal or remiss to life
seriously or even can apply sustained brain damage.
the same time you must be patient (recipient) health condition beyond
the minimum required to bear such onerous physical surgery and seq. of
the period required to recover after the operation.
The children planted them new livers often were born with deformed livers incomplete configuration.
In cases that allow for liver transplantation in adults include:
-Inflammation of the bile ducts the sclerotic (a rare inflammation of the bile ducts).
-Hepatic venous thrombosis (obstruction in hepatic vein).
-Acute hepatitis is very life-threatening.
-Chronic viral hepatitis.
-Cancers that arise in the liver.
The surgery usually takes place in a major medical center and can take up to 10 hours.
A process must be given a general anaesthetic,
It is laparotomy and removal of all or part of the liver and replace it with the necessary parts of the liver donor.
Recovery can take up to four months.
have livers transplanted to take immunosuppressant drugs for the rest
of their age to discourage the body's natural tendency to pronounce the
transplanted liver as a stranger.
6. frequency thermal treatment:
And the frequency is
A needle is inserted under the guidance of radiation to liver cancer.
This needle insulated except her head.
the device is connected balaberh it emitted energy from the top of the
needle inside the cancer, leading to the burning of the tumor.
The results of cancer treatment more successful burning alcohol.
Are treating several cancers of the liver condition
Not be scattered much or very large sizes.
these cases which allow the treat thermal frequency does not require
the patient to hypnosis, just 4 hours note after the procedure and then
go home.
Maybe the patient felt a warmth and fatigue for a few days only call for the pendulum.
Something very important for patient follow-up and possibly need several sessions of thermal frequency.
::: Liver cancer prevention:::
Prevention of hepatitis and not exposure to infection and this is the following:
1. vaccination against HBV HBV. The Government has made many such vaccination compulsory.
2. do not use the patient hepatitis infection such as razor blades, toothbrushes and towels.
3. not to be subjected to other body secretions of infected liver virus infection such as blood and saliva.
4. when the liver virus infection it is better treatment by infection with fibrosis. There are treatments for hepatitis a in development keberz
5. when the liver fibrosis must follow the doctor periodically to detect liver tumor early.(
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