Things used daily and cause you pain and you do not learn
Did you expect that things like wallet and laptop bag and eat cheese and the way your hair styling and other is the main reason for a lot of pain dogging on a daily basis? Often pain may be caused by some simple habits that we do every day and we do not know ..... Here are some examples:
1) Boot: doctors have found that shoes that do not contain supportive piece in the middle of the foot, even if the shoe flat, if not equipped with arc which Idammalan foot, then lower back muscle forced to work more maintain Astqamagesmk. Solution: Use shoes that contain supporting this piece least Alamalzar.
2) Purse: When you put it in the back pocket has be Sbbalhakiqi in back pain, buttocks and may reach to the bottom of the leg pain, and cause tightening Aladilato pressure on the sciatic nerve, causing pain. Solution: Remove your wallet out of your pocket sitting Alkhalafaqubl, especially in the car.3) mobile phones: Do you have Hatviih you browse the Internet, and games? Too much use causes pressure on Mvslalabham, and it is strange that the doctors noted arthritis at the base of the thumb in Cpappalven not exceed 30 years of age. Solution: Give the rest of your fingers, and If Alomufalik continues to consult a doctor, and there effective Alajlat to arthritis.
4) heavy lifting and rely on the back: A common mistake is bending forward once to lift the thing and then straightening back once during the lift, and this causes pregnancy and the burden on back muscles to bear the brunt of this pregnancy. Solution: to lift correctly, Trivtna knees and hips so squat, lift, with lifting your leg muscles Antriv straightening the knees and hips.
5) Driving: Adjusts many people their car seats at the wrong angle, and put the seat in put Mtke (curved back), and forced to withdraw his head away from the headrest so that he can command, which may neck Espbalama. Solution: Put the car seat in an upright position so that supports your head and Osfilalzar, and the steering wheel in hand, so is flexibility in your arms slightly
6) cheese: it may be cheese reason behind all this headache that Taanimnh, especially: cheddar, feta, mozzarella cheese, Parmesan cheese Swiss, and Alotamaalta contain a substance called tyramine, such as: some processed meats and beverages, Valotamaalta contain this article raises headaches When some people. Solution: You Bmlahzhalotama that trigger headaches have avoided.
7) eye strain: It may be a headache that is concentrated behind the eyebrows due to the eye, the eye strain occurs when Aikunldak vision problems is the clinic, such as: myopia, hyperopia, or astigmatism. Solution: You may need to reveal the view.
8) baby: Just lift your child out of bed every day can lead to pain and swelling in the wrist and thumb. Solution: Learn to raise your child without stress Palmasmin, Put your hands under your child's back and buttocks and is not based on your fingers, and try to reduce the side rails of the bed
9) Smoking: Smoking causes for headaches, and not only for the person smoked, but also those around him. Solution: give up cigarettes and reduce exposure to secondhand smoke have useful Bashkcial patients who suffer cluster headaches. And this kind of very painful headaches Vhoihdt in one side of the head in the form of groups. 10) laptops bag (laptop): can contribute to back and shoulder pain, especially when relying one Alyktef. Solution: Try to choose a bag when her pregnancy is based on one shoulder, or Hguibhpetrolli, or choose a lighter.
11) hair styling method: private tail Alhsanaldik, cake, or braids, or wearing a tight hat or headband, may lead to headaches (especially إذاكنت who suffers from migraine headaches). Solution: hair down, and do not wear the hat.
12) strong odors: Doctors are not sure why, but strong Knalroaúh including odors, such as paint and smoke, Alroaúhallatifh, including perfume, flowers, can also cause headaches. Solution: Identify the smells that trigger headaches and try to avoid them.
13) keyboard (the keyboard your own): If your job involves a lot of writing, Vkdtkon at risk of carpal tunnel syndrome and is a problem in the nerves causing pain, numbness, and tingling in the hands or wrists. Especially when bending the wrist and palm bent on access Elylouhh keys. Solution: tilt the keyboard so keep hands and wrists line Masaeidik during the writing. If that does not help, try replacing with a comfortable keyboard. 13) Alcoholic beverages: When it comes to drinks Alcohol Hoof pain, Red Valenbiv, whiskey, beer, and champagne are more headache Almusharobaczbba. (This admittedly American doctors). Solution: Do not drink it. God said: {Satan wants only to sign Benkamalaadaoh and hatred in alcohol and gambling, and hinder you from the Zkrallah and prayer will ye not then abstain} [Round: 91]. And Qaltaaly: {O you who believe, but the wine and Almisrwalonsab abomination of Satan Vajtenbohlalkm prosper} [Round: 90]. The Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and recreation him: "God damn wine drinker and her legs and vendor, Mptalla and Asrha and Matzaretha and bearer and phones him". 14) skip meals: Skipping meals leads to lower blood sugar levels in some people, this can Onaada to a large headache before you even feel hungry. Solution: Eat foods Amoveahibantzam throughout the day. 15) way to sit if you spend long hours every day in your office or your business, and if I sat the wrong session to tension and back and neck pain. Solution: dimension distance of not less than half a meter in front of the computer, place the Alkmpioterva eye level so that the head is curved, and easy to look for the computer, and so that the shoulders relaxed, and hands in the level of forearms, adjust your seat so that touches your foot land, Mark afternoon erect and use a pillow to support your lower back if necessary
17) sleep habits: the safest ways to sleep that you sleep on your back or on your side Madhiraik below shoulder level, can sleep side with a pillow between the knees to support the lower back.
18) Stress and tension: contributes to a wide range of afflictions such as pulling back muscles, headaches, and jaw pain. Solution: relaxation. Be positive .. Share knowledge among your friends
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