Pepsi .. Simple idea, which toured the world

This drink humidifier, which entered into the mouths of millions and did not leave a corner without being conquered in 195 countries around the planet.
Simple idea started from the head pharmacist was trying to install a medicine to treat poor digestion, and if it detects a delicious drink and wetted pattern of eating and drinking in the world, and became required by small before large.
How to reach Caleb Pradhan to this discovery?

Caleb Pradhan was born in 1876 in Naobern in the United States of America. Forced to leave the university before graduating from the University of Maryland Medical when his father went bankrupt and his business failed.
To earn a living turning Caleb Pradhan to education and studied in school - Oakes Smith - in Naobern to be married - Sarah Charity Chridl -. After leaving the teaching work in a pharmacy Pollock, which he bought after he became a master of pharmacology.
Began through his work in the pharmacy mixing prescriptions and medical syrups, and hired through his work as his assistant can watch, blending a mixture of fruit flavor syrup with soda water.
Brad syrup!
In a hot, humid summer day in 1898. In Naobern discovered Caleb Pradhan - aged 22 years - a delicious drink and moisturizer to submit it to the pharmacy customers. To succeed this drink humidifier unexpected success, and is known as - Pepsi Cola -.
Caleb Pradhan was sure that people would come to his pharmacy if you gave them something they love and Anachehem free days. The delicious Khaltth composed of extracts from the plant cola, vanilla, rare oils. And this drink known as the - Brad syrup - relative to Pradhan.
Caleb Pradhan decided to designate drink featured as Pepsi-Cola because it was in his opinion addresses a disease of poor digestion, which is known as Dyspepsia.
Drink Pepsi received overwhelming popular. What payment Caleb Pradhan to announce this gaseous drink and refreshment. And defend, by his own people, sales began to rise to the point where he is convinced Caleb Pradhan that opens the company to market distinctive drink.

Pepsi: registered brand!
The foundations of the world 1902 PepsiCo of the back room in his pharmacy, and offers patent to score his invention as a brand registered.
At first, it was mixed drink and sells through soda water machines. But since that necessity is the mother of invention Caleb Pradhan decided to sell Pepsi in small bottles can drink anyone and anywhere.
Development work dramatically, At June 16, 1903 Pepsi Cola got its brand registered trademark registration office and trademark in the United States. During the same year sold Caleb Pradhan 7968 gallons of Pepsi, and the propaganda says:'' refreshing, tonic, and peptic''.
Then he began selling franchise rights to mobilize Pepsi cans and bottles, and the number rose from 2 in 1905 to 15 in 1906 and to 40 in 1907, and with the end of the year 1910 became the Pepsi-Cola has branches in 24 states.
This achievement was the most important thing to do Caleb Pradhan, and his company's sales increased to 100,000 gallons of wine per year.

Pinnacle of success / Summit Failure!
Reached the success of Pepsi-Cola peak year 1909, where Caleb Pradhan opened a new headquarters and a wonderful boasted city Naobern, and placed it on postcards of the city. The year before (1908) considered his company one of the first converts from auto to transport their wares.
Caleb Pradhan became the owner of a very popular thanks to his trade and thanks to his sense of delicate. Was nominated for the post of governor in his state, and his company continued success. Thus, Pepsi-Cola, flying internationally with great success for 17 years, you do not know failure, and was successful Pepsi Logo posed Caleb Pradhan:'' drink Pepsi-Cola, they are inevitably Strdak''.
After 17 years of success came the First World War and relapsed Pepsi influenced by what is happening around them, and sugar prices have fluctuated dramatically impact in the production of Pepsi-Cola.
Was Caleb Pradhan forced to risk some deals so that it can continue to be forced in the end, is 3 years cumbersome, declare bankruptcy after storage sugar in huge quantities and fell price suddenly, dozens of times, and that was unfortunate for Caleb Pradhan, was left of the Pepsi factories are only two (1921).

Caleb Pradhan returned to the pharmacy and put the name of Pepsi-for-sale. And already sold to - Roy Megargl -, which in succession after four owners of the name all failed to deliver Pepsi to safety and to fly high, until the successful Chocolate Factory named - Charles Relief -. That person was a savior for Pepsi, as the company benefited from his experience and his ideas.
After 15 years of failure from the date of the bankruptcy Caleb Pradhan - who died at the age of fifty-eighth session, after about 10 years from the date of bankruptcy - the company stood on her feet again.
During World War II the company returned to the back and suffered from the recession and the troubled economic situation, and the people do not pay 5 cents for a drink moisturizer that doubled the size of Pepsi relief for the same price a competitor so other companies refreshments.

The Global Pepsi of the best companies in the world and ranked 21 in the first five hundred companies in the United States.
Pepsi owns Pizza Hut restaurants, Kentucky Fried Chicken, and smooth Taco Bell restaurants.
And worked for PepsiCo International about half a million people in its factories and restaurants owned.
A simple idea and a desire modest discovered drink black reached every corner of the globe, and walked around the black waters quantities can be filled rivers ..
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